Does this sound familiar?


The most disheartening feeling is the thought that there might be something ‘broken’ about your body. The truth is, you aren’t broken. In most cases, your body is doing exactly what you’re telling it to do…but the resulting symptoms are not in alignment with your desire for optimum health. If you could find a provider to truly listen and dedicate themselves to getting to the ROOT CAUSE of the symptoms, you could finally experience a real breakthrough in your health. 

That’s what I have made it my mission to do. Together we are going to get to the bottom of what’s holding you back from feeling and living better, and find the solutions!

It has been my dream to pursue a career in which I can focus on really healing patients rather than just adding to their list of prescription medications. The creation of my own virtual functional medicine practice has allowed me to reach clients all over the world who are feeling hopeless about improving their health. I guide and educate my clients, empowering them to take an active role in finding the root cause of their medical issues…thus allowing them to take back control of their health.

My comprehensive approach to medicine and healing includes:

The areas we will target

My services/programs range from intensive one-on-one membership programs, to group
programs and courses that educate on specific topics to help target the areas in your life
needing the most attention for improvement of health, OR the ones that need attention now to prevent disease BEFORE IT HAPPENS.

I know change can be intimidating and overwhelming. But also worth it!  My approach with my clients can always be simplified to maximize the the positive and minimize the items that have negative impact. As you gain confidence in your abilities to make sustainable changes, you will be amazed at the results we will be able to achieve together!


Learn about the different options we offer to help you up-level your health, no matter where you are physically located.


Browse our high recommended products to achieve better health and ‘clean living’ for yourself and your entire family.


All of your questions

answered here!

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The first step is to book a time for your Breakthrough Health Assesment. This is a 60 minute appointment in which I review your application and conduct a full analysis of your health. After this appointment, you will receive a written summary of the prioritized areas to be addressed. You will then be able to select from the membership options so that we can get started on working towards your own personal health breakthrough!

Are you ready to level up your health?!

Click the button below to complete an application form and select your desired appointment time.


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